Sabtu, 12 November 2016



            Musdah Mulia is a Senior Researcher, Activist, And Lecturer. She is the first woman who has obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Islamic Political Thought from the State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (1997). She is also the first woman who has been inaugurated as a Research Professor by The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in 1999. 
            She has proven herself to be a Muslimah reformist, a Muslim woman who incites change in her Islamic environment and a mover for peace and reconciliation. She is a fireless fighter for women’s rights and minority groups in Indonesia and she advocated a progress, humanist and egalitarian Islamic interpretation. Her staunch and relentless dedication to the plight of women’s equal status exemplified by her own way of living, her life as a married woman, who is also a scholar, activist, and devout Muslim, is introducing a new paradigm in the women’s movement.
Innovatively, she has brought about change by working from within the bureaucracy of the government, and she has brought enlightenment with new insights in gender equality from within the Islamic teachings. Since 2000, she fights against the abolition of death penalty. She personifies a greatness of spirit, blended with integrity and persistence toward the upholding of the basic principles of human rights.
Since 2007 She is the President of the Indonesian Conference on Religions for Peace (ICRP), a NGO which is very actively promoting human rights, especially the right of religious freedom through interfaith dialogues, promoting religious pluralism and democracy for peace. She was also a Senior Advisor of Minister of Religious Affairs (1999-2007) and through that institution in 2004, she launched The Counter Legal Draft of the Compilation of Islamic Law that proposed women’s rights in family life. She was also the head of Research Division of The Council of Indonesian Ulama (2000-2005) and the Head of Fatayat NU (1995-2005), an Islamic women organization belongs to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) the biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia.
She is now a member of The Indonesian Academy of Sciences (Since 2008); and also a member of The Indonesian Advocates Association (Since 2009). Beside she is an activist on democracy, human rights and gender issues, she is also very active in the academic field; she has been an international visiting fellow in a number of universities. She is author of many books, like Islamic Political Thought, Reformist Muslimah, Islam and Politic, Islam and The Inspiration of Gender Equity, Women and Politic in Indonesia, Discussion on Sexuality, and Islam and Human Rights.
Contact Adress: Indonesian Conference on Religion for Peace, Jl. Cempaka Putih Barat  XXI, No. 34, Jakarta Pusat, INDONESIA (10340), Telp. 62-21-42802349 - 42802350 Fax: 62-21-4227243.  Email: or Website:  and 

List of publications:

  1. Published Books 
1.    Guidance of  Muslim Women Preacher, KP-MDI, Jakarta, 1998.
2.     Islamic State: The Political Thought of Haikal, Paramadina, Jakarta, 2000.
3.   Woman Portrait in the Lecture of Islam, The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, 2000; 
4.    Gender Equality in Islamic Perspective, LKAJ, Jakarta, 2001.
5.  Guidance for Counsellor in Health and  Reproductive Rights Training, LKAJ, Jakarta,  2002.
6.    Islam Critizises Poligami, Gramedia, Jakarta,  2004.
7.    Women and Politics in Indonesia, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2005.
8.  Reformist Muslim Women: Religion-reform–inspired Muslim Women, Mizan, Bandung, 2005
9.    Islam and Violence Against Women, LKAJ, Jakarta, 2006.
10.  Islam and The Inspiration of Gender Equity, Kibar Press, Yogyakarta, 2007.
11. Towards the Independency of Indonesian Politics, Kibar Press, Yogyakarta, 2008.
12. Human Rights from Islamic Perspective, Naufan Press, Yogyakarta, 2010.
13.  Women in Islam, Upholding the Blessing of God, Marja, Bandung, 2011.
14. The Efforts in Establishing The Ideal Family from Islamic Perspective, Quanta, Jakarta, 2011.
15. Sexuality Rights in Islamic Perspective, Serambi, Jakarta, 2015

B.     Published Articles

1.         Islamic Marriage Law Reform in Indonesia, in Iola Lenzi (Editor), Stiching The Wound, The Art Center at The Jim Thompson House, Bangkok, 2006.

2.      The Importance of Inter-Religious Dialogue, in Dr. Gesine V. Kloeden-Freudenberg,  Creating Peace In Diversity, United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Wuppertal, Germany, 2007.

3.      Toward a Just Marriage Law in R. Michael Feener (Ed.), Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press,  2007.

4.      Charia et Marginalisation des Femmes, in Les Cashiers do L’orient, Indonesie, Paris, Hiver 2008

5.      Promoting Gender Equity through Interreligious Marriage: Empowering Indonesian Women, in Gavin W. Jones (Ed.), Muslim and non-Muslim Marriage: Political and Cultural Contastions in Southeast Asia, Singapore: ISEAS, 2009.

6.      Portrait of Religion-Based Organisations and Violence, in Darwis Khudori (Ed.), The Rise of Religion-Based Political Movements, Jakarta: ICRP, 2009.

7.      Promoting Interfaith Dialogue through Promoting a Culture of Peace, in Christian W. Troll SJ. (Ed.), We Have Justice in Common, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, 2010.

8.      Toward Just Marital Law, Empowering Indonesian Women, in Rangita de Silva-de Alwis, Women Leading Change, Wellesley Centers for Women, US, 2010.

9.      Globalization and Strategies in Facing Changing Values: Religious Perspective, in Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro (Ed.),  Innovative Indonesia: Facing the Challenges of the Twenty Firts Century, Jakarta: AIPI, 2010.

10.  The Position of Women in Islam: Criticism on The Compilation of Islamic Law, in Indonesia, in Hisanori Kato (Ed.), The Clash of Ijtihad Fundamentalish versus Liberal Muslims, New Delhi: ISPCK, 2011.

11.  Toward Just Marital Law in Indonesia, Promoting Gender Equality in Islam, in Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman, Religious Activism and Women’s Development in Southeast Asia, Singapore: AMP, 2011.

12.  Contesting Fundamentalism: Humanizing Women, in Nursyahbani Katjasungkana and Saskia Wieringa, The Future of Asian Feminisms, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2012.

13.  Questioning The Book in The World of Today: Faith and Hermeneutics of the Scripture in Contemporary Islamic Thought, in In Ascolto Dell’ Asia: Societa e Religioni Fra Tradizione e Contemporaneita, Urbaniana University Press, Roma, 2013.

14.  Sue Polygamy: Concrete Effort to Eliminate Gender Base Violence in Erna Suryadi (et al), Gender Base Violence, Gender Harmoni Press, Jakarta, 2015.

15.  Muslim Family Law in Indonesia (A Progressive Interpretation of The Qur’an) in Al-Mawarid, Journal of Islamic Law, The Department of Shari’ah the Faculty of  Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Vol. XV, N0. 1, August 2015 (P. 1-18).

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